Sunday, July 13, 2014

Finally found figures for the dry dock on USS Scamp model

The three figures are Prieser HO scale figures, I noticed that the 1/72 scale sailors were close in size to the larger HO scale 1/87 figures which I have many of. I just pored through the figures box until I found ones that were the same "scale", by that I mean we are all different heights. The figure manufacturers tend to make them all the same adult height when they make a set, however there can be a significant variation between sets, some of the HO figures were the same height as the sailors or not significantly shorter so they work.

These three guys started as RR workers, I cut off the features that made them look like RR figures and then made little hard hats.They all had hats to start with, so I cut them down, dipped the top of the figures hat in white glue and hung them upside down. The glue mad a natural "drip" that looks like a hard hat. Once that was done I painted the figures and glued them in the basin.

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